We are beholden to the primary source of light in our lives, the sun, and whether we admit it or not it is an unquestionable deity, a giver of life, and a destroyer. However, some truth may be at its core - the camera captures a unique transfer of light from the surface of the individual, and freezes it in a two-dimensional stasis, unmoving and unliving, a fragment of time and light. Of course modern society is numb to such apparent superstition. They believed by taking their picture the camera was stealing people's souls. The call for entries sought submissions by artists using photography and the camera/machine to discover, document, and inspire experiences of the sublime (or the divine).Ī popular story proving the mythical power of photography is the one which recounts indigenous natives' reactions to the process of having their image taken and reproduced on paper. Manifest is proud to be a participating venue in the city-wide FOTOFOCUS celebration by offering four distinct projects centered on photography and lens-based art.ĭeus Ex Machina is an exhibit assembled from international submissions considered on a competitive basis by a broad jury and curatorial process. September 28 - Octo(previous season 9 exhibitions)Īn International Competitive Exhibit of Photographic Art Revealing the DivineĬhief Curator at The Light Factory in Charlotte, Make Swimbi a menu css drop down built by. CURRENT ARTISTS & SCHOLARS IN RESIDENCE.BRIDGE SCHOLARSHIPS FOR EMERGING ARTISTS.DRAWING RESOURCE IMAGES FROM OUR STUDIO.CORPORATE CREATIVITY WORKSHOPS & RETREATS (email for info).
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FREE CLASSICAL CAST-LAB DRAWING SESSIONS.MEA s17 (season 17) - info coming soon.MEA s16 (season 16) - info coming soon.